I really am grateful of him/her helping me! -– Wenslly, Kil'Jaeden (US-Alliance) Caught being uber: Thalasien, Zul'jin (US-Horde) Hey Lisa, I'd like to share something that happened today with me in the most unfriendly of places as of late: The Timeless Isle. In a place where everyone is hurrying to hit a mob before you do, clicking a shrine to finish your quest is nearly impossible and trying to get to a rare spawn before he is completely obliterated is a matter of sheer luck, this blood elf paladin from Zul'jin-US called Thalasien came to my rescue. You see, I was in such a hurry to open ALL THE CHESTS in the isle that I may or may not have skipped a quest that called for ... you guessed it: opening a chest in the isle. Timeless Treasures requires you to open a chest, but the catch is that none of the weekly chests count for the quest. A GM instructed me to ""group up with a friend and have him open the chest"" to get credit for it. After being made fun of in the general channel, of course, Thalasien whispered me and inquired further about my situation. Having opened all the chests himself, he then proceeded to try and find an alt that may have missed a chest. About 15 minutes, some alt logging and some Wowhead and MMO-Champion searches later, I had my quest credit! All for a complete stranger, with no other benefit to himself other than to do something good for a fellow player, so here's my shout-out to Thalasien from Soloists Incorporated, Zul'jin

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